But if you try sometimes, you get what you need.
This pretty much sums up my day today. You see, I applied for a well paying, hard-working job in the office, and today I had an interview for it. Over a selection of 20 applicants, and 5 interviewees, I came out a close second. Beaten by a man who did the job for several years. I beat out people with a lot of experience in the job, but I rose to the challenge and managed to show my managers that I am worth a lot more.
But I didn't get the job. Honestly, I'm pretty relieved, it would have required a tremendous amount of work and I would have to boss round people twice my age with much more experience than me. But because of the research I did for the job, my manager has decided to give me a lot more responsibilities that could potentially lead to me getting to hand craft my own job in a few months. So whilst I didn't get this job, I may have the chance to make my perfect job.
Sometimes life works in mysterious ways.
Oh, and sorry for the lack of posts :)
Hopefully I'll be back soon, now that I don't have to do loads of revision for this job!