Friday, 5 April 2013

Bromageddon 3: return of the bromance

M'colleague and I just powered through the new Army of Two game. A couple years ago I picked up the first game and we had a blast upgrading our guns into gold plated murder machines, then when the second game came out we did it all over again.
So when the third game came out, it was only natural that we would get that too. AoT3 feels both very similar and yet very different to the others. Instead of playing as Rios and Salem you now control Alpha and Bravo, a move that upset me more than I expected. My friend and I, we were Rios and Salem, we experienced what they did over the two games, so to take up as two newcomers was a sad change for us. Not to mention what happens to Rios and Salem throughout the course of the third game. I shan't spoil anything but we were left feeling somewhat betrayed.
But we weren't expecting a class A story from this, we wanted silly over-the-top guns and more enemies than you can shake a warehouse full of sticks at, and by heck did it deliver. If you want pure fun in your gaming experience, look no further. AoT3 seems to have taken cues from fellow EA IP Dead Space. More than once did we both laugh as our enemies were literally ripped to shreds by a flaming shotgun shell or an exploding LMG bullet.
Army of Two three might not win any awards, and it won't turn the heads of the story hungry gamer, but for those amongst us who just want to sit back with a couple of beers and a good friend, this is the game for you.
After we finished the campaign in around 10 hours (we died quite a bit) we were both satisfied, too often do games forget their roots by the third iteration, and it was nice to see a game that can still make grown men giggle at its contents.

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