Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Wish I Was Here kickstarter

You know Zach Braff? JD from Scrubs? Well he's finally getting back into making films. For any of his fans out there who know Garden State, then you'll know he can make pretty fantastic films.
When he made Garden State, he was funded solely by one guy who happened to like Scrubs and thought he could make a good film, and now he's going to the popular crowd sourcing website kickstarter to ask you to fund his next film.
I personally like kickstarter, I think it's a genius way of both disseminating your work, and funding your dreams. I'm still planning on using it when I get underway with my graphic novel.
I'm a massive fan of Zach Braff, last year he did a play in Manchester and I immediately bought tickets, then, worrying that I hadn't bought the tickets, I bought another pair. The play was fantastic.
With it being kickstarter, there are a lot of rewards, t shirts, early screenings, etc. For $100 dollars, you can go and see the film WITH Braff. If I wasn't so desperately poor, I certainly would have gone for it.
Anyway, for those who aren't fans, or haven't seen anything of his other than Scrubs, I highly recommend backing the project, even if it's just a couple of quid. The man is hilarious, and I have absolute faith in him producing more A++ work.
If you want to back him, or just watch the funny video he made for it, then click HERE
My best wishes to Zach Braff, I hope the project is funded and I can avidly await it's release.

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